Saturday, January 18, 2014

No sleep, fumes are all I got left.

I will be so happy when teething is over. When my little baby can sleep through the night, I can rest easy. Last night he was up and down all night, numbing didn't seem to help and he was wanting his mama and his bababa. It was a long night, and eventually I just brought him back to bed with my hubby and I. Little man loves to snuggle with his daddy, but he tossed and turned the remaindered of the night. I felt bad. Nothing I did helped, and no I didn't give him pain mess, and am wondering if I should have. He was miserable, and although he was not screaming in pain; he was still in pain. 
Not to mention the fact the he had the biggest boogers a baby should have in his nose. Hubby just removed them.  We are not allowed near his nose unless he is asleep. #pickybaby 
We did manage to win it and now he can breath better. 
Another thing I noticed it my little one needs 500 blankies in his bed. He has accumulated them and I clear them out of his bed. Somehow they end up back in the bed. Silly little man.
In my tired stupor I went to the grocery store and got some things and forgot more. I have to go back tomorrow. God willing I will get sleep tonight. I have my coupon list and plan on using them. Do I really need pickles? At $1.99 for 2, I might. I apologize for my silly banter, but I am running on fumes and if it wasn't for Barnie's coffee Santa's white Christmas  ice cream I would be snoring right now.  I think I will go to sleep. I was wanting to post about my homemade hot wings recipes, but I am having trouble keeping my eyes open. And my phone is dead. Not that my phone has to with anything, hahaha.

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