I took Spanish in highschool, took French in college. The Spanish didn't take and the French was ok. I retained more of that than the latter. Then I discovered a new app for my tablet, for learning new languages. The app is duolingo and it is fun. Then I remembered why I got frustrated with learning languages. I am having trouble with have,had,plurals, manges vs mangeon or whatever. This is a free app, but very helpful. I think I'll start writing down the hints and lessons. I am determined this time. I am. And I'll chronicle my learning adventures. I can not get frustrated with it.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Learning a new language, let the fun begin.
Trim up the tree
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My tree needs a bigger star. Yup. |
My Post Thanksgiving day; up goes that tree!
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My Christmas kitty |
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Found this tree in the garage and it is better than I hoped! |
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I need more dinosaurs |
Thanksgiving is done, now what?
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We were on the way home last night and saw this |
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so pretty |
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I love this tree |
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What a great end to the day. |
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving!
Really? The forecasters failed to mention this. Ahem. |
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Walking and dancing my way to the mailbox.
The day before, Turkey day.
Today, is a cool 70 degrees out. Ahh it feels like fall. But, this is short lived. It will soon be hot as you know where in no time, again. I have to say even though it is FL, it is unusally hot this year. Global Warming much?
So, it being Thanksgiving tomorrow;I thought I would ask what is your favorite Thanksgiving day memory.
Growing up in MO, we would have my Grandma and uncle from the Ozarks come up to St Louis to have Thanksgiving. There would be lots of laughs, mashed potatoes, and fart jokes courtesy of my dad and uncle. There would be a fight over the wishing bone and then the night would finish with my dad and uncle playing hockey on the Sega Genesis and the rest of us playing Rummy with grandma. Those sweet memories you just can not replace and it was the best. Also, knowing that dad was going to put up lights the next day. I can still hear the colorful vocabulary as he fell from the roof. Or if the lights would not go on. We never did Black Friday. It was just too much fun at home.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Hello, I am a Food Network and Cooking channel aholic
I have a slight confession, I am a cooking show fanatic. I don't care if it is a bake off or Barefoot Contessa, I will watch it. My husband doesn't understand how I can watch it so much. It is good TV, there is no fighting, no yelling,no swearing, and lots of promise. I learn a bunch from watching it. For instance I just learned how to make an easy inexpensive white truffle butter pasta. So, why not watch it. It is easy watching food shows. I don't have to think a whole lot when watching it. Right now I am watching someone make a Turduken. Which is a chicken stuffed into a duck which is stuffed inside a turkey. Have you ever had any? I have to say, I am not really interested in it. But, it seems interesting. I also have seen Paula Deen deep fry a turkey. The question is, do you fry your turkey, or do you do it the old fashioned way. Do you brine your turkey? Do you baste your turkey?
All this turkey talk makes me want it to be Thursday already!
Just a few days left!
A cup of coffee and a thought, oh my lights.
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Helping mama with untangling lights |
This week is a week of firsts for my Little man, it is his 1st Thanksgiving and his first Christmas Tree decorating. And although he can not eat the food, I know everyone around him will be thankful that he is around. I know I am. And that is where I want to leave off with today. I am thankful for this week of firsts for my baby and for the people that will be sharing it with us.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Great savings, I gotta share!
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I told my hubby I got what I wanted for Christmas already and look what I found! |
I posted on Gofashiondeals this amazing savings on baby clothes for my boy. I bought him some new clothes for the winter; not that we get much of a winter here. The Children's Place
Pre-Thanskgiving Sale! Save 25% off Everything! Use coupon code TURKEY25
Monday can be fun days.
But, today we are getting a lot of fun done. He even tried to feed his mommy "pretend" food. This week I hope goes by fast, we have a lot to do this weekend.
If you want my Black Friday survival guide I finally posted on my other blog Gofashiondeals. Read it; it is funny.
A boy and his dog.
My dog continues to show signs of aggression towards my son. He tried to get him at 3 months old and now he growls at him all the time as if he is a stranger in the house. My son will be playing on the floor minding his business and hear comes my American Eskimo runs up and starts growling. Only it isn't for play, he is serious. My son will crawl about the house and the dog will growl near his bowl. Food aggression is something he has never had an issue with before. He will then walk up to my son and start growling. If the big cat is near by he intercepts. If not I do, and he gets into trouble.
Is it jealousy? Is it just old age? Is he becoming a more aggressive dog? My grandmother suspects jealousy and has warned me that it will get worse. And I may not be able to get to my son in time next time. She said if it were her. she would get rid of him. But, I can not see getting rid of a dog for growling. I know that any shelter would put him down. I can not justify it, nor could I live with myself. So here I am on constant alert. Waiting for the inevitable, and may be he wont do anything. I guess time will tell.
What do you think?
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Gta4, kids are playing this?
I had just finished watching a gruesome torture scene from Grand Theft Auto last night. I was freaking queezy. It was harsh and both myself and hubby are just flabbergasted about a little statistic moat gamers know. Why? Because this is one of the highest grossing games and probably 70-85% of purchased games are being played by children under the age of 18. I am not talking just teens but younger children. And all I can say is why? This game is violent and although entertaining, it should not be played by a 7 or 8 year old. I have seen kids in Target and Walmart begging their parents to buy it and guess what, it ends up in the cart. The parent never even looks at the case, doesn't even read what the rating is, and does not even Google the game. And these are the same people that say video games are ruining our children. No, it is the parents responsibility to know what their kid is playing. I am a gamer, I grew up in a gaming family. I am married to a gamer. We both know what games are OK and which aren't. If we don't, we use this thing called Google and look it up. There are game ratings just as there are video ratings. And just like parents need to know what their kids watch, they also must know what they are playing. Who cares if they throw a tantrum? You are in the controller's seat and you call the shots.
And while there may be some kids that could "handle" the games. It should still be warned that even the best of child and mature of child can still have nightmares from Resident Evil and Dead Space.
The other side is yes, you know your kid better than anyone else. So, if you think they can handle it that is your choice. But as a gamer all I ask is you look into the game first before getting it for little 8 year old Timmy. The same goes for all video games. As the parent or caregiver you know best, and this holiday season make informed descisions on what games they can or can't play. Let the kids be kids. Would I let my son play it? Not on your life. Not until he is much older and almost out of high school.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Cup of Coffee and a thought,baby things.
Today, I am suffering from severe writer's block. Yay, I don't like it. It is terrible and I feel like I should be writing something meaningful. I also feel like I should be doing something, I am really antsy today. And on top of all of that I have been up since 2 AM. 2 Am wake up times are no good for mama bear. It is no good for anyone. But, I feel like sitting here on the couch writing this is making me feel more lazy. I don't know why, I cleaned the kitchen, cut up another chicken,and started cleaning the bathrooms. But still, I feel like I should be out of the house. It is a gorgeous day out here and I hate feeling couped up. It has not been this bad of a feeling for a while. What is my deal today?
I also have a child refusing to nap and he got a hold of the presents I wrapped last night somehow. Well, he has the unwrapping concept down. I wonder what he was thinking then.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Sweet Red with a side order of dinosaur. Grrrawr.
I may be wrapping early but, I haven't decorated yet. That can wait. So, I popped open a Sutter Home sweet red wine and got to work. I am busy being Santa.
Then it hit me, 3-4 hours of sleep and red wine is like drinking Nyquil. I have realized I am exhausted. And this wine is making me sleepy.
What to do? Keep wrapping! When do you wrap presents? What is "TOO"early for Christmas decor, wrapping, and music? Do you feel there is not much separation of holidays? While I may kind of feel that decorating now is early, I salute those who do. I have to admit I have been listening to Christmas music since August.
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oh yeah!! MMMMM. |
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How else can you wrap a dino? |
A glass of wine and some wrapping paper.
As far as Christmas shopping, I almost have my baby done. I went with my mother today and bought him some great stuff. I love buying things for that little boy. This year we have a tight budget and I would rather him get things than myself. That baby is all the gift I need. I don't need anything else. Christmas morning all I want is my son, hubby, a cup of coffee, the lights on the tree, and music. Then the fun of watching my son play with every box he unwraps. Thank god he is at the age where his toys are CHEAP and tons of FUN!
I want to get my hubby something, and I found exactly what he needs a wireless Xbox 360 headset. And I can not wait to give it to him. I found it on eBay, and when it comes in I will wrap it. I just hope he doesn't read this. He rarely reads my blogs. But, the headset is within budget. He will hopefully like it.
So, tonight once little man goes to bed, I am going to sneak into the bedroom and wrap his gifts. I try to get this stuff done early.
One more thing I have to share! I went grocery shopping and only spent $120!!! I got a lot of baby stuff and food, snacks,etc. I saved $60.50! I got to continue to save and hopefully my next bill will be smaller!
Now off to butcher the whole chickens I bought.....yum.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Living with cats...in da wayz.
Silly girl. She is not a very good employee.
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Trying work with this employee is not great. |
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is she walking out on me? |
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then this happened |
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loves her job! |
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The the vice president of sales woke up. he is inspecting the product. |
Oh three AM wake up time and two pots of coffee later.......
I am writing a very tired blog today. I have been up since 3 Am, thought those days were over when little man started sleeping all night. Nope. I was in denial. He was up and that meant I needed to be up too. He was up and down all night so, I figured a bottle and he would go back to sleep. By 3:30 he was done and was snoozing away. I put little man back to bed and staggered my way back to mine. 1 hour later he was back up. And now he is back to sleep again. Poor little guy, I wish he would let me look and see if there is a new tooth in that mouth, but alas he wont let me. Oh the joys and happiness that is teething. It is tough being little and it is tough being the mama.
So, what did I do this time after getting him to sleep? Work on Chippey's Shoppe, my eBay store and watch "Extreme Christmas Trees" on Netflix. I had my Christmas cup full of coffee and was watching away. Then I figured I have the time and aloneness to list some stuff. So, here I am blogging away and going to list some things to my store. #joysofebay. I am also listening to Bing Crosby on Pandora. #dontjudge
Then it dawned on me, I have no clue where the rest of my holiday mugs are. Or where all my lights are for that matter. I love moving, because it is a treasure hunt to find things 8 months later when you are settled in. Ugh, so that means next week I am going to have to go into the attic and get them. If they are there. I like being prepared. I plan on starting a page of Christmas house decor. There are some homes around here in Fl ready for it. That or I may do Crazy Christmas trees. I am not sure what or how I will do it. But it will be cools.This is something I have been wanting to do since I started blogging and never did. So this year! If you have any you want posted let me know. #crazyforchristmas
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
My store is doing good, and I listed a Pink Coach Signature bag, something I was battling doing. Why? It was the first Coach bag I ever got and my hubby gave it to me. But, he gave me a new one after my son was born. So, I feel I can let it go and someone else can love it just as much as I did and do.
The thing about eBay is that you have to keep track of quite a bit. What is selling and what isn't. Also, how to market your items so people will see them.The one thing that iritates me most is people not paying and then after you message them., they never respond.But, eventually I get to relist the item. I know eBay has helped a lot of mom's earn something while being at home with the little ones,even if it is just enough for getting their nails done. Some ladies have turned it into a million dollar enterprise. I know I may never get there but, as I have said in other posts I am going to try, eventually my hard work will pay off, right? Right? Oh, I hope so!
A cup of coffee and a thought, cranberry sauce.
I prefer homemade. I booze it up a bit with some wine. Most of the alcohol cooks out but leaves the flavor. If out of a can I like the jelly.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
A cup of coffee and a thought, where has time gone?
People around here are already decking the halls. There are lights on their houses and I am sure stocking hung by their chimneys with care. I miss having a fire place, for that reason. I'll just tell my little boy when he is older that Santa has his own house key.
I have had many people ask me if we are going to do Elf on a Shelf when baby bear is older. I am not sure. It seems so complicated to me, and we never had it growing up. It would seem to be a lot of fun to do and there are plenty of ideas on Pinterest for it. How many of you do Elf on a Shelf? How do your kids react to each night of silliness? And parents, do you do it every day or is it just closer to Christmas?
When I was little the thing was Saint Nick's day. We celebrated that along with Christmas. Our stockings would have candies and a cheap toy in them. It was exciting and every time I would argue that I needed the day off for the holiday. Mom would just laugh at me. Hey, it was worth a shot right? Only if it were a snow day would that happen. Down here in Fl, we don't have that. So, little man wont be able to get it. Not too many people know what I am talking about when I refer to Saint Nick's day here in Fl. I guess it is a mid-western thing.
Well, Thanksgiving will be here NEXT WEEK. BE sure to check out my coupon page for some Turkey day savings. It has helped me a bunch. I got diapers and formula for my boy for 22. That was for a big container and a pack of diapers. There are some great food coupons in there! I can not wait to get decorated for Christmas. Next week is decorate time!
Monday, November 18, 2013
Home made pie, from scratch.
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one day it will look prettier. not bad for my first time! |
Butter Pie crust:
2/3 cup of butter COLD. I used salted butter so I could cut down on salt.
2 cups of flour
4-5 table spoons of ICE water
In a mixing bowl combine butter and flour with a fork or dough blade. I used a potato masher. And it worked. Add the spoons of water 1 tablespoon at a time. Work the dough into a round. Place in a freezer bag and store in fridge for an hour or longer. Then roll the dough out when ready on a floured surface.
Pumpkin pie from heaven.
1 can of pumpkin or 1 sweet pie pumpkin(roasted and then mashed)
1 can of sweet condensed milk
2 large eggs
1 tsp of ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp of cloves
1/2 tsp of ginger
1/2 tsp of salt
Preheat oven to 425
In a large bowl combine pumpkin and spices with a whisk. Then add the sweetened condensed milk whisk together. In another bowl beat the two eggs then add to pumpkin mixture.
Pour into pie shells or into one REALLY deep dish pie dish.
Back in a pie dish on a cookie sheet in the 425 degree oven for 15 minutes then reduce the heat to 350. Bake for an additional 45 minutes. Let cool before serving.
This pie is amazing light and fluffy. It has a great texture thanks to the sweetened milk. So, good.
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Pumpkin pie so good you will eat the whole thing! |
Just funny.
A cup of coffee and a thought, Dealing with PPD.
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My world |
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Blog redesign.Am I finished?
So I changed some stuff. Ok I revamped the whole blog. I fell in love with the blocks. They are for little ones, but also it symbolizes something more. They are all over the place and just like they are for building; I am building my life. It is constantly being knocked over and put back up. Just like blocks. MY life is like a bunch of alphabet blocks.I changed the fonts too and made the posts wider. To me it is what I was looking for and had been for some time. I would have done this sooner if I figured it out sooner. Just saying.
I love this blog and I find myself writing more here than anywhere else. I have more to say here, more to do here on Mama's Logue. I want this blog to succeed and grow.
So, what do you think of the new blog. Hubby and I feel it fits me, and it looks good. Comment down below and thanks for stopping by Mama's Logue.
Dusted off my Xbox controller.
I miss gaming. And I am not talking about that tap games on tablets or phones. No,real gaming. So I got out my game controller and started to play viva pinata again. Exactly how I remember it, it's been awhile since I played. I had to make a new garden. I named it Bikini Bottom. All the characters are there, in Trouble in Paradise, but there are new pinatas and new ruffians. One thing too is if you kill a sour it poops out a bad seed. It is a weed. Got to smash them before they plant. Right now, I am level 9. But, I just started back up yesterday.
What made me start up? I missed it. Being a mom comes first, but when baby is snoozing I can play. If I like, if not I do whatever. It feels good to play again. My Xbox is back in full use. Is it good to play games again? Well yeah, it had always been my escape. I get a lot of good thinking done,pink controller in hand. I also wait for little man to be asleep and no headset. I don't do Xbox live. So,here I am with my pink controller, ice water, and popcorn. Playing Viva Pinata Trouble in Paradise while listening to the love of my life play GTA5 and my little man sleep soundly and peacefully. Life is good.
This is what I wrote last night. I got to level 12, yay!!! And now I remember why I love Viva Pinata. It is simple and fun. I do hate the fact I had to start over, but what else do I expect. My last Xbox red ringed. I can't wait to play again. It is entertaining and fun. The next game I hope to tackle is Assassin's creed.
Coffee and eBay, this is my morning. Coffee and a Thought.
My store has become my job definitely and I have the cutest Vice president of sales ever! He is the happiest worker ever, even if he just gets in the way. He loves having his pic taken, so he is always in the way of pictures for listing. It is one of the reasons it takes me forever and a day to list, but I love it. Wouldn't you?
The smiles and baby babble make it the reason's I work so hard, and forgive that he is trying to eat the product. Right now he is grouching on the floor with his bottle, I guess it made him mad.
Yesterday, I over did it, I scrubbed the floors by hand and am feeling it today. so I didn't get much eBay done. What do you think Pajama day? Do any of you feel like a lazy couch potato if you lounge in pj's for a day? I end up getting dressed anyway and cleaning. I have this new obsession, I am constantly feeling like my house isn't clean enough. I guess this came about when I first moved into my home. It was a disaster, and I am still not done cleaning from that. The renters had destroyed it. The carpet was an animal litter box, and I found hedgehog needles, different cat fuzz,dog fuzz, different bird feathers, bunny poops; these people had a zoo. The kitchen looked like it was never cleaned. The bathrooms were in the same state. SO, I obsessively clean. Wouldn't you? I told my mom and dad about all that, and they told me all the stuff they found when they renovated our house in St Louis. I am amazed by what people do.
So, yeah, instead of relaxing I will probably clean, again. Last night I was washing clothes and hanging dry because our dryer broke and my oven wont SHUT OFF! What in the world is going on?! All I know is it sucks.When it rains it pours and I feel like I have been stuck in a never ending Monsoon. Just got to stay strong and keep the faith, right? Yup.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
A cup of coffee and a thought, real housewives.
Living with cats, pathetic kitties
Cats find interesting ways to get affection.That is for sure.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Fun out and about, window shopping and fierce shoes.
Today was a great day out with my mom and boy. We got quite a bit done and looked around at all the things we wanted and didn't need. It was fun! I love window shopping, sometimes it is nice to get out of the house It is great to just be out.
Our first stop was to get my little man a new car seat. He outgrew his car seat and needed a new one. Who knew that car seat shopping would be so hard. There we were in Target going back and forth between car seats. Category 3? Category 2? Rear facing to forward facing. Cup holders? What? We found a nice car seat by Even'flo. It was great, we also got him some Christmas gifts. That is when we went to Starbucks, I ordered a Gingerbread latte and mom got the Peppermint Mocha. We ordered then sat down. The barista let us know our drinks were ready, so mom got up to get them. That is when some woman jumped up and took my drink. She didn't even order a gingerbread latte. She ordered a caramel brule. I know this because she was right behind us when she ordered. The girls near my mother were shocked and they had to remake my drink. I was sitting there confused. I have never have seen this before. I got my drink finally and it was heaven! By the way they had Alice and Olivia Starbucks mugs;worth checking out.
We went to lunch afterwards and then had a blast at Ross and Michaels. I got a new wallet!A pink(no surprise) Jessica Simpson wallet. While we were out and about today a great thing and uplifting booster happened, my shoes were complimented a lot. I love my pink shoes from Justfab. I had on all white except a pink jacket and those shoes. White on White is still in and I decided to tone it down with the shoes and jacket. It is a look I loved! Too bad I got spaghetti sauce on them; the pants that is. Can not take me anywhere, I swear.
True Happiness.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
A cup of coffee and a thought. gifts this year!
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It is a nice cool day in FL. |
Why not do canvases? I found a great Groupon deal for them! It is a great deal from Printerpix, $25.99 for a gallery styled wrapped canvas and free shipping! Why is this a great gift? Well, how about those relatives always bugging you for a picture of the baby, or the family? Send them this! Not only will a canvas be better looking than just a frame on the wall but, it will get them off your case. You can also make you own wall art! Have a picture for the living room wall and you know the print? You can bring it to life with this deal. I have gotten one from Printerpix before and was very happy!
I am always trying to figure out newer gift ideas, and I want to save money. Everyone makes it seem like Christmas has to be full of expensive gifts,because yeah Best Buy we can all afford to get our nieces iPads. Let me go to my Swiss bank account....buh. I sit here drinking my coffee amazed that there were already Christmas commercials on Youtube. IT IS NOT EVEN THANKSGIVING! If you want to show commercials that boast the coming season, do Black Friday previews. Really. It may do you better to do that.
I also have been seeing all over Facebook, the posts of I will not shop on Tday because if I do someone wont be with their families. Well, there are doctors,nurses,police,firemen,emts,and millitary that do not get to spend time with their families. Yet we do not act outraged for them. I agree, I wont be shopping, not because I do not think it is fair but because I just don't want to. Now that being said, what about Christmas Eve. Is it the same principle? I just feel conflicted about those posts. What are your thoughts? Comment below.
If you want to take a look at this great deal, check out the link below:
$25.99 Gallery Canvas and free shipping
A Thanksgiving day tidbit.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
WAHM,SAHM, making money at home.
Now, I love being a SAHM, but who wouldn't want a little extra spending money? Especially for the holidays. I do have my eBay shop; Chippey's Shoppe. Which is doing OK, and I am so proud of myself for actually getting it started. Feels good to be my own boss. I want to continue to do well and keep my store going. It is something that I feel will help me out in the long run, just like my blogs. My blogs and eBay store will not fire me, or lay me off. Unless I lay myself off for being tardy to my own business and that would just be silly. For an eBay store, start with some stuff around your house. Then move up to more direct shipping stuff. OR you could go that handmade way, but research that first too and check out Etsy. Try different things out, and see what works best. Remember to market well and you can do fine. IT TAKES TIME! Egypt didn't build the pyramids in a day(took almost 30years), your eBay store will not be an over night success. Things take time to sell, and I have had to relist some stuff over and over again. It was a slow season,kinda.
Then there is the thing they always talk about on sites like WAHM and other blogging sites for SAHM or bloggers wanting to earn. Affiliate Marketing. I am not an expert of SEO or AM but, I do get the basic concepts of it. It also helps that hubby is an expert, however, he has me learn a lot on my own. THANKS.
There are some good AM sites. Look in to those as well. I am not going to go into AM or SEO, because I feel I have too much to learn myself. So, there is a forum post in WAHM for affiliate marketing. The ladies and gents there are super helpful.
A cup of coffee and a thought.
I just cool mornings and days like this. When it is usually hot beyond belief here the cool breezes and crisp air just makes me want to be outside and in the middle of it. This kind of thing is short lived and I am sure in a week it will be gone. Back to mid 80s and my cat ran into the glass door.....oie. Weather like this makes me want apple cider and pumpkin pie. The leaves do not change here and I would love to see it. Makes me miss the changing of the seasons, still. I can not wait for Thanksgiving and all the food, I am an eater. Mashed potatoes get in my belly!!!!
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Don't judge the holly jolly mug. I needed it! :P |
Living with cats; the silliness goes on.
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My cat would not stop staring me down. |
What does your cat do?
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Cup of coffee and a thought
Monday, November 11, 2013
Haha!! Finally!
Why I fail at a top knot.
I found on Pinterest a way to do a bun with a sock. So, I tried it. Attention: use an old sock....and preferably not your spouses. Did it work? Well, a half an hour later and one torn up sock, NO. What next?
At H&M I found a bun maker thing. It is a plastic mesh doughnut, meant for wrapping your hair around. I tried that too, and nope.That was a dismal attempt followed by a frustrated me and wasted money. AM I doomed to not have that style? I want it so bad. I really want to do it for the holidays but my hair is keeping me from doing so. That and maybe I am just not meant to have it, unless someone else does it for me.
I am not sure the thing I am doing wrong. I think I just have the wrong hair, or not long enough hair. I am not sure if there is a woman around that isn't mad at her hair, at least at one point or another. I guess it is my turn!
So, listen up hair! Yes, listen good! I am MAD at you! Mad mad mad mad! Hair, why wont you behave for me? I found a wiki on how to do this, so behave you!
Sunday the lazy day and Monday the full of regret day.
A cup of coffee and a thought
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SO, good. I got the cup at a Ross. Any guesses why? |
Sunday, November 10, 2013
My life with cats; the diet day 4.
It was time to change something. I made a change to their food and too the way they eat. I started them on the protein diet that cats go on when they are too "fluffy". So, far Isis is doing well with it. Osiris is not. He is acting like he is dying, but cats are not meant to be grazers and that is what he is trying to be. Sorry big boy, you are on a diet. And may I add he is more energetic in just the few days he has been on it.
Both my pets are fixed so I got them food specifically for spayed and neutered pets. It is by Purina and they took to the food pretty well. I also stopped giving treats, yup I was a treat giver. Until they loose just a pound or two I am not giving treats. Even then I may not give them any. It is a lot of work getting these two into shape, treats may ruin it.
Hey, if I am trying to get to my best physically don't you kitties think you should be ship shape? YES!
You will be greatful and thank me for this. So, onward and upward with this kitty diet. I want my cats to be fit and healthy, not potatoes. Especially after watching "My cat from hell" I figured they needed the help.
Don't complain cats, you know you need it.
Ahem, see? Yeah, I meme'd you girl. That's funny right there I don't care who you are, that's funny.
Next thing will be implementing cat towers and scratchers, but will hubby go for it? It is for THEIR benefit.
Side note, Coffee Mate has Thin Mint creamer. GET IT! Sorry that was random but I am seriously in heaven with that stuff.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
MY stance on CIO (crying it out)
He was sleeping until he hit the mattress in his crib then it was scream city. It became a Roman collusium battle, he was the lion and I was the gladiator. I was loosing. He wanted me to stand with him, I didn't want to stand with him. I would try to get him to calm down in my arms and he would force himself into a pretzel. I would tell him, "OK,I am putting you down. You are being mean to mommy and pulling my hair and I do not want to drop my little man." I would gently place his screaming and wiggly body into his crib. This would make it worse. I tried to let him self soothe and left the room.
I went into my bedroom and heard the screaming. It was loud and horrible and I felt like a horrible mom. I felt like I was being short with him but I wasn't. I just didn't know what to do. I was lost. He was throwing a temper tantrum that would put toddlers to shame. Or so I thought. I thought maybe he wants the rest of his bottle after all, this was something he kept refusing in his room during the epic battle. I couldn't do it, I couldn't just let him cry it out. I felt wrong about it. And after an hour of this battle going on, I had to do something.
I went into the baby's nursery where he was screaming and not knowing what to do. I picked my baby up and held him close. He was trying to breath at this point and he still has issues with breathing now and then since his birth. This is something the pediatrician said will continue to get better, and it has.I took him back into our bedroom, turned Willy Wonka back on and finally he took his bottle. The tears were still running down baby bear's face. But a smile broke out and a relaxed breath after. He was happy and falling back asleep, only this time it was a sleep that lasted all night. He was able to be put in his crib, and he slept all night.
I am not sure if I am cut out for CIO, right now I do not feel it is good. For either of us, right now it isn't for me. Some women would say I am enabling the behavior, but I know plenty of mamas that do not CIO and their children are happy and healthy. I do not think it is healthy to let a baby scream like that. At least for me and for him. It breaks my heart and it hurts him. Crying a bit before sleep is one thing but this, is another. I do not discredit those who do CIO, if you do and it works that is awesome.
I do not feel I am CIO mom, I can not do it. Or at least can not for right now.
What are your thoughts on CIO(crying it out)?How long do you let them cry or scream? Do you only do CIO for naps and not bedtime? I can understand why so many moms do it, and I can totally understand those who don't.