Today I finished up my cvs shopping. I got Tide for around $1.75 a bottle. That is for the 32 load bottles that were on sale. For 5 of those, a regular Dawn, and a Panteen Shampoo; I only paid $ 17. Thanks to my Pampers shopping. By the way I did a cruisers instead of easy ups. I almost cleared the Dawn shelf. Yeah....I did. I left 1 bottle of hand renew. Along with a coupon for .25 cents off regular Dawn. So after I got my reward dollars I used them towards my Tide Purchase. I think for more savings I may sign hubby up for CVS. Why not? I want to save money and now I won't need Tide Detergents gor MONTHS!
The savings are there, you have to be vigilant.
What I did was use 2 $3 off two Tides. Then a $1 off one Tide. Then I used the .25 cents off mu blue Dawn soap. And a coupon for $1 off Panteen. At checkout I combined those coupons with the $10 off. Sweet stuff, am I right? #financialfreedom #couponprincess
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Today I became a shelf clearer....almost.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Ooooh want Pampers for about $3.33 a bag?
Diaper deal on PAMPERS.
Cvs is doing a deal on Pampers. They are on sale for $8.99. You can print here on my site coupons for $1.50 off. You may already have some of these coupons before. This will work with Swaddlers too.So buy 2 baby dry and one Easy up(use the $2 off coupon) so at 8.99 it will be around 26.97. Next buy 4 Dawn Hand renewal dish soaps. 9oz. On sale for .99 cents and here is a link to the coupon for .50 cents off. This will be around 3.96 for that. Total order cost? $30.95. Now Since cvs is doing $10 rewards it is 30.95-10- 7 in coupons. It is just like paying $3.33 on Pampers per bag! Wow!!! Now these rewards may be for next order. But that is ok. You saved!
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Coupon Sunday. Want .68 cent Dawn dish soap?
I have been learning the ways of the couponer. It is a constant learning thing. If you ever get a chance watch extreme couponing, it has changed my outlook on coupining forever. And once you get something free or 68-98% off, you get hooked. I am striving to get my grocery bill down. And have already saved a bundle. I want a stock pile. But, it is for emergencies. I learned many couponers go into the extreme because of loss or gains. Loss of a job, money, new baby, etc. I hate that my grocery bill was half our income. So if I can get it down, we will be ok.
It is a MUST.
Some great ways to get started saving is by clicking on my grocery coupon tab, it helps my blog and you save! Second, make sure you organize. Also, print out the stores coupon policy. You will be glad you did.
Want to get dawn soap for .68 cents? Print out a dawn coupon or more from my grocery tab and go to CVS. Use your rewards card and bam. You just saved. Get ibotta app and cartwheel by Target. Happy saving!
Saturday, December 28, 2013
It is done and over.
It is over. Christmas is gone for another year. And for once I am happy about that. What used to be my favorite time of year has been marred with disappointing mishaps as well as chaos. Hardships seem to appear every December. This year our AC died out, which where we live is a must have. Money was very tight, and I gave what I could. My present was my baby and while I loved it, deep down I wish I had gotten something. Even if it was a box of those Queen Anne cordial cherries. Deep down I wished for a gift. Is that wrong of me? I got hubby a wireless headset, sold many things in my eBay store for. He was happy to get it. And I hope next year things will be better. As we get closer to 2014, I am left with a sense of insecurity. Why? Well things suck right now. And while I am happy with things in my life I am also unhappy too. I take the blame.
Tonight we are going on a much needed "date night" with little man in tow. Hopefully we will have fun.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Sugar and spice and everything nice window cookies
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I love these cookies so much. |
1 3/4 cups of flour
1 stick of softened butter
1/2 tsp vanilla
Friday, December 20, 2013
Extreme couponing.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Buddy the Christmas duck!
If you have a dollar, you can do the hide the duck game. Who says you have to have an elf? We have a Christmas duck we bought at Michael's and this has been the best purchase so far this season. Where is Buddy today? Take a look.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Find the duck!
At our house we don't have an elf. Well, we do it is Buddy the duck. He is a rubber duckie (little man loves rubbet ducks) in an elf costume. So I got the idea that I would hide Buddy in plain sight for little man to find. Each morning he is somewhere different. But, little man finds him. Today he was by the TV.
I read a book!
84% through Bah, Humbug! (A Christmas Street Romantic Comedy Novella) by Horrocks, Heather on Kindle for Android!
This book is sweet and funny. This is a romantic novel I don't mind reading. This book has a warm feeling to it and it doesn't need all that other stuff to be good. You know, 50 Shades of Grey type stuff. (I have read that book too, story line not bad). If you want a cute holiday romance story for Christmas; Bah, Humbug! By Heather Horrocks is the one to read.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Oh but you coupon so well.
Speaking from experience.
Cup of Coffee and a thought, defending my right to have ONE child.
I know my financial limitations, and another child is something we can not afford, and that is another thing people just say why to me and then point out that my son is not that expensive. Um, he is at the doctor a lot for his skin. Diapers are expensive and so is formula. And I DO NOT WANT ANOTHER CHILD! Why can not people accept that I am very very very happy with my son? Just because you decided to have 2 or 3 or even 4 kids doesn't mean I have to. When did it become mandatory that I have to have more children? Please let me know.
He will be lonely. Um, no he wont. He will have friends when he gets into school. He will not be lonely. I was one of 5 and I played alone more that I did with my siblings. We fought. He will be fine, and I know many people that were only children and they were fine.
Only a few people understand my issues, my mother, my mother in law, my grandma,sister, and my grandma in law. Basically, my family and closest friends. It is not selfish to not want another child, why do people make it that way. And so far, they are the only ones that support that decision that my hubby and I made.
It is our decision and no one else's. We are the ones that have to decide this stuff. We are the ones that have to take care of things, not you. Please leave us alone and just accept what I have to say. My son will be an only child. There. Done. Finished, you don't need to know why. And you certainly do not have to argue with me about it. It is not your Uterus.
I am sorry readers for this rant. But for any of you who have experienced this knows my pain. And if you haven't think of it as being with the same person for 5+ years and getting asked "When are you getting married?" or "When are you having kids?" It is right up there with those questions.
What are your thoughts on this? Any advice on how to handle this? I am to the point of telling certain people off if they don't let up.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Cup of coffee and a thought. Food wars.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
A Christmas Parade. Ahh O.C.
Tonight was a great Christmas parade in my town. Lots of good floats and somethings that leave you with a why? Like there were a lot of gyms or fitness classes giving out fliers...guys I am watching the floats. I don't want to hear about your 24 day weight loss diddly.
Anyways over all it was a good short parade.
Pics following.
Christmas Eve on Sesame Street
This movie is super cute and great for the kiddies. I love how kids tell Grover and Kermit how Santa gets down the chimney. This movie from 1978 has some great values, and a good lesson is to be learned from Bert and Ernie. Just be sure to keep all pencils, typewriters, and other edibles from Cookie Monster.
A cup of coffee and a thought. Saying Merry Christmas.
What's wrong with saying Merry Christmas? Are we all so afraid of causing offense that we all cower in the name and just say "Happy Holidays". People can actually get written up at work for saying it. Things you see on old movies you just can't do anymore. What got me thinking of this is when I watched Christmas Eve on Sesame Street. Everyone said Merry Christmas, eventhough Mr Hooper was Jewish. He didn't take offense. He viewed Christmas as a time of giving. Bob did say happy Hanukkah, to him. But now, you say merry Christmas to people and someone is bound to get upset. "I'm offended", well I'm offended that you're offended for being offended. Are you offended because it's a "Christian" holiday? I am not the most religious person, but I still love the holiday and all it means.
Let's have a history lesson. A lesson that was even mentioned on Foodnetwork's "Good Eats". Christmas was not always called Christmas. Infact, it had little to do with Christ until the Church,trying to keep people happy all of a sudden said Christ was born in December. In which many historians believe was actually the spring. The church tried banning the old Celtic and pagan celebration of the Yuletide . Which caused people to do it anyways to the extreme and revolt. Drinking for a week straight and even the church was closed. Seriously, go to Youtube and search History Channel history of Christmas. Or "Good eats Christmas carol" . Or go to the History Channel's website.
But, I say let's say what we want. Why conform? Christmas to me is about family, spending time with them, eating, and savoring memmories. As well as wrapping gifts with a bottle of wine. Traditions. So I say Christmas has done me good and will do me good. And I say God bless it. If you get the Dickens references you are awesome!
Now here is a fun pic.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
So hard to be a kitty during the holidays.
This video was so cute. I had to share! We need more kitty cat cheer!
If you think about it, cats are surrounded by temptation. Ornaments dangling from the trees. Food everywhere and they can not have or need. Poor poor kitties.
They can not play with wrapping paper or anything else. If you ask me they have it easy. No relatives to be driven crazy by. No weight gain worry. No last minute gift worries. They get to sleep and be cute.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
A cup of coffee and a thought. Cookies for Santa.
Today was a great day out. Not only did I get some window shopping done,sigh. I also was able to take little man to see Santa Claus. It was a brief encounter with the man of the season. We took him to see Santa in his Starwars shirt and, you know what that was fine. I was not going to be the mom forcing uncomfortable Christmas elf clothing. No Santa hats, no tinsel;just little man as Santa knew him. Comfortable and clean. As well as cute. He was not drowing in red baby Santa attire. And while he was the most dressed down, he was the most comfortable and didn't cry. I figured a better picture would be had this way. However, if you dress your kids up like that good for you,it just isn't my cup of eggnog. I think the formal Christmas attire is ok, most of my nieces photos with Santa are with that. But, just not elf like costumes.
Anyways, I am so proud of my baby boy. He handled it well.
After photoswith Santa we went on a mission to find a cookies for Santa cup and plate. We found them. For 12.99 -19.99. Why is that so Expensive? Really? Let's pay for something like that, when back in the day it was a glass of the cow and a dessert plate of cookies. So, I have a cheese platter of Santa's head and I have a red cup to match. But, here is my dilema. I am very lactose intolerant and Hubby could drink the milk. But we could do a bit of the wink-wink, nod-nod eggnog(spiked) . Santa wont mind that, right? He wont mind the good ol nog.
So, what do you leave for Santa? On Peppa pig it is a mince pie and a "drink".
Monday, December 9, 2013
More or less, thoughts on 2014.
It's Nablopomo December on BlogHer and this theme is more and less. Or more or less. Whatever. It made me think of my expectations for next year. So here is a list of what I am thinking.
1. More sleep. Yeah, I am hoping for more sleep in 2014.
2. Less worrying. That won't happen but for certain things I am hoping it will.
3. More financial freedom. Who doesn't want more of this? I need this badly. Which is why I work so diligently on my eBay store and why my hubby works as hard as he does. By the way great stuff is for sale right now!
4. Less debts. Dear Santa, please deliver some ways for debts to be solved. By means on number 3 on this list. In 2014 I want my debts to be poof (GONE).
5.MORE CLOTHES. Nothing I own fits. If it fits it's not right. My body has changed and although I am down to 113 lbs again. I need hot mama clothes that fit well.
6. New bras. See reason 5.
7.less run ins with Nature. I mean ants and other critters getting into or trying to get into my home. This means you bears!
8. More exercise. I do exercise but need more.
9. More "me" time. I think as mommies we cheat ourselves of pure uninterrupted "me" time. We feel guilty or never get it. Because we don't take the time.
10. More makeup and real clothes days. Ok, living in yoga pants and tanks is not really my thing. But, right now my actual clothes aren't fitting the best. To be honest neither do my Yoga pants. They are too big. I don't wear cosmetics as much as I want to. Yes, I love makeup. I like wearing it.
11. More showers. This falls into number9 as well. I sometimes can not fit it in... until baby is asleep. Then I am too tired to. Mommies you know what I am going through.
This is my far.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Sunday lazy day? Nah.
Happy Sunday! There is only 17 days left until Christmas! Can you believe how fast it's going by? I can't, on one hand I wish I could skip Christmas this year. On the other hand I don't. Today was a day full of clipping coupons. Then realizing I have too many for my binder. Ugh. But, saving money with coupons is worth it. I am starting to get more of a hang of the whole coupon thing. Which is why I love my coupon page here on my blog. I have actually saved a ton on diapers,formula, spices, and other things. It is no wonder why people go nuts over coupons. I can totally get it. I understand why they do it to the extreme. It was a lot of work today clipping coupons, putting them in pairs. Store coupons with manufacturers coupons and putting it all together. I know it is worth it.
Today we also had a non-napping baby boy. Here in the kingdom of babydom, we skipped naps and didn't want to eat dinner. And after a big evening of fitting we may have a molar or two. Of course this may mean no sleep, again. He didn't eat his dinner but had 8 oz of formula. However, that does not mean he wont wake up at 3 Am hungry. Teething, it is so hard being a little man, isn't it baby bear?
Saturday, December 7, 2013
The Muppets - A Muppet Family Christmas 1987 :What we are watching!
This is one of my favorites and is a classic I just hope you all enjoy it too!
Christmas lights and jolly time
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This was the start of our Christmas walking tour. |
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I need to take better pictures This house was fun. |
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This house won last year's town light contest. |
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You can kind of see why they won. Great uses of lights |
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What fun |
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Lots of time went into this |
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Across the street had this to say |
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one last picture of the other house |
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They did good too! lots of lights for a small space. |
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Blow ups are good for those who have back problems. My dad loves them. He just added the arch. |